By Arben C. Visenio
Matthew 28:16-20
16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
God wills or desires to use all believers, including every Familia member, to make known to others the authentic saving message of the Gospel. Man’s only true hope of eternal life lies in Jesus Christ. We see that it is indispensable that the Gospel be proclaimed to all and that we have an essential role in spreading of the good news and in making disciples of all nations. Yes, all believers without exception – even those with some doubts (see verse 17.) However, while we know that Jesus has all power and authority in Heaven and earth and He is with us, why do we sometimes still hesitate to proclaim Him and let Him manifest His love and power through us?
There is the reality that the devil would not want us to evangelize because he knows that God can reach others through us. He would try to make us believe that evangelization is not important or a priority; or that we are not gifted for that; or that our efforts will not really make a difference so why bother at all. He can really tailor fit his temptations to deceive us and make us lose interest, indifferent, lazy, and not care at all. Fear is another obstacle that the devil can use that can immobilize us -- fear of being rejected, made fun of or ridiculed, being left out, being called fanatic or closed-minded conservative, not knowing what to say or how to convince others, saying the wrong things and turn them off, etc. He can make these lies seem very reasonable that we can easily accept them. Do you see evidences of these in your own situation?
This would be a good time to pause a moment and honestly reflect on why we at times hesitate to evangelize… Bring them before the Lord…Listen to what He might say about it. The Holy Spirit might lead you to a passage in Scriptures or a sense from the Lord or some inspiring thoughts to enable you to overcome your hesitations. Stay with it for some time… and then prayerfully ask for the grace to overcome your hesitations and make a personal response to the Lord. Pray also for the opportunity to bring the Gospel to someone.
One time in my college years, (when I was still far from being a committed Christian) a group of young people went from classroom to classroom sharing their experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and their personal testimonies. I saw expressions on my classmates’ faces saying something like: “Ano ito? Ang weird ng mga ito, pare.” I am a nice kind of guy and so I must have been politely smiling but not really sure what I was going on. But inside me, I felt a respect for them – for their conviction and courage. I had never envisioned myself doing what they did. I would be so nervous and would probably get sick at the last moment. The effect of the seed planted in me by that proclamation prepared me to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Shortly after my baptism I found myself giving my personal testimonies in Life in the Spirit Seminars and in school recollections and retreats. That’s the power of God demonstrated through the cooperation of believers. I praised God that those young people overcame their fear and proclaimed the power of the Gospel to me.
How do we evangelize? Because of the limited space available here, let me just share how I got initiated into the charismatic renewal and pick out some helpful principles.
Sometime in 1974, I had a friend who shared with me her own experience of being guided by the Holy Spirit in her decisions. She shared how they ask for something in prayer and how they were granted by God through some mysterious ways or seeming coincidences. I became curious and asked many questions. She was very calm and nice and tried to answer me. Then the question: Have you attended a prayer meeting? I said, no. Then the invitation: How would you like to attend a prayer meeting? I said, Why not? So we went and she introduced me to the greeters team and all the people she knew in the prayer meeting. After that she asked me how my experience was. She accompanied me at the next prayer meeting. And that’s how I got hooked on the Lord.
Let’s look at some principles:
TALK: Simply talk to others about your experience of God. Share blessings and answered prayers. Do not hesitate to share biblically based wisdom.
BE A WITNESS TO YOUR FAITH: Be patient, kind, loving, respectful, and righteous. Be a friend. Be a good neighbour. Offer to pray for him and his personal needs. Let the love of God be demonstrated in relating with others.
INVITE: At the proper time, invite the person to attend a spiritual activity like a prayer meeting, a bible study, or an ECLS. You may also invite the person to make a commitment to the Lord, if the situation calls for it.
FOLLOW UP: Accompany him or her during the ECLS. Call them up during the week to see how they’re doing, e.g., some questions they may have, some problems, blessings, etc.
PRAY: Pray for intercession and protection.
RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT: John 14:12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit. Be guided by the urging of the Spirit on what to say and what to and when to do them. The person who is too confident and relies upon his abilities will be much less effective than the person that relies upon the Spirit’s power.
Most people aren’t really looking for bible scholars who can explain everything to them, or powerful preachers. They need ordinary people like you and me who can speak to them honestly from the heart about the greatest need in their life: their need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Let me end by saying that evangelization is spiritual warfare as well. It is a serious and important responsibility. It will have its difficulties. Someone said: "If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles." Our goal is to bring the Gospel message of love and salvation to everyone we meet. Let’s be encouraged by Jos 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." The commands of God come with His enablements. He commits himself to accomplishing those things in and through us. God is always faithful.
Pray with me:
"Lord, I offer my whole self for your purpose. Use my life to spread the Good News of the Gospel. I pray that You will lead me to the people whom you want reach through me. I pray that You will give me the appropriate words to say and proper timing. Here I am, Lord, send me. Amen."
source: Familia Matters, July 2005